The White Screen of Death, also known as WSoD or White Death, is actually an error or issue that may occur on your device (iPhone, iPod, or laptop), stopping it from working normally. On the contrary, there are several ways available for you to deal with laptop white screen and get it back to normal. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t fix the problem.
In this case, you are not able to know the exact causes for the problem. If you run into an all white screen (a full white screen or a plain white screen), no error message or description will be given to you. White screen means that the screen of your device turns into white suddenly. Please go to the home page and select needed software to recover data, manage disk, etc.
Please don’t panic you should take actions immediately by following the guide below to try to deal with the white screen of death properly. Do you expect a white screen when starting or using computer? Of course not but there’s chance that you run into an all-white screen during laptop startup.